Sprint, middle distance and distance running sessions are available within the Moore Park and Centennial Park precincts with our coaches as follows:
- Monday 6.00pm @ ES Marks athletics field | exclusive free access for SUAC members (all)
- Tuesday 6.00pm @ Moore Park Synthetic Field eastern side overlooking grass field (sprinters)
- Wednesday 6.00 pm @ Moore Park Synthetic Field eastern side overlooking grass field (middle distance & distance)
- Thursday 5.00 pm @ ES Marks (new sprinters to the group)
- Thursday 6.00 pm @ ES Marks (sprinters)
- Saturday 8.10 am @ Vernon Pavilion north side Centennial Park (middle distance & distance)
- Saturday 9.00am @ Centennial Park (sprinters)
If you are interested in finding out more about these sessions, please stipulate in the Expression of Interest form (see below) your interest in these sessions. Profiles of our coaches Josh Tassell and Guillaume ‘Gilly’ Boglioni Beaulieu can be found below. Please note times and locations above are subject to change.
Strength & conditioning sessions are available for established SUAC athletes at the David Mortimer High Performance gym on Wednesday and Friday mornings with SUACs strength & conditioning coach. Further information available upon registration.
It is expected athletes commit to at least 2 sessions per week. Minimum age is 16 years for training sessions. Training fees do apply (which are entirely separate to Registration fees and available directly from coaches) so please fill out our Expression of Interest form to find out more about training.